Each church is asked to provide lunches throughout the week of Work Camp, the number of which is determined by the size of the group of students being sent from that participating church.  These meals can be prepared or purchased, and the Lunch Coordinator is in charge of determining how that will be accomplished and making sure those lunches are delivered.

The Lunch Coordinator for your church will work with the FCWC Lunch Coordinator to determine how many lunches must be provided each day, what sites you will be providing them to and to coordinate for any dietary or medical restrictions on menu items.  Some larger churches may be approached to provide additional lunches to be made available to Sidewalk Club and Sport Camp attendees.

To be successful, a church’s Lunch Coordinator should recruit help amongst their church to either prepare or purchase the food and then deliver it where directed throughout the week of Work Camp.  And, they don’t have to just drop the food and go – stay and visit with the students and adult volunteers, meet the people we are serving and enjoy a piece of the Work Camp experience.